Author archive for I am admin

  • Melomel

    1 kg. honey 5 litres water 700 g. sugar 100 g. raisins, chopped 1 kg cooking apples juice of...

  • Calculating the Alcohol Level of Wine

    If you want to know just how alcoholic your brews are, then you need to have a hydrometer. A...

  • Letter to the bees

    The Honey Harvestby Rosanne Hood Dear bees I simply must tell you that I was extremely impressed with your...

  • Making beeswax candles

    METHOD Place one sheet of beeswax foundation on a firm, hard surface. Measure and mark the outline shape for...

  • Processing beeswax

    Bindaree will, depending on demand, buy reasonably clean processed beeswax. In the processing we are talking about, beeswax is...

  • Beeswax – filtering tips

    The following tips appeared in the BEE-L discussion list during September 2002: From: Frank I. Reiter Date: Tuesday, 10...

  • The Hive Mat

    Worth a Try? …. the Mercer Mat Most beekeepers insert some kind of inner cover between the top super...

  • Winter Feeding in the Canberra Climate

    by Paul Hooper Late Winter — Need to Feed? Winter is two months old, August is upon us, and...

  • Bee Stings – Toxic Effects and Allergy

    by Jim Wright AM, MD, FRACS, FACS (Dr Wright is a retired medical practitioner and a member of the...

  • The Joys of Swarm Collecting

    “Don’t lean out so far.” Pat was standing on a two metre retaining wall and reaching out over the...
