Win’s Creek Meadery and Bindaree Bee Supplies have recently relocated to the historic Traveler’s Rest Inn. This unique building has been part of the history of Murrumbateman since 1879. Originally it operated as a hotel and public bar. Lord Kitchener is one of the most well-known historical figures to have stayed here in the early 1900s. From the late 1920s to 1989, it operated as the local post office. Long-term resident of Murrumbateman, Peter Jones, grew up in this house. His parents, Colin and Dawn were the postmasters from 1949 until it was sold in 1989. Colin put on the addition to the back of the house, which is now the kitchen and cafe area of the building. He also built the shed which currently houses Bindaree Bee Supplies. Since the late 1990s, the premise has operated as Berrique Restaurant, and after that as Springers Rest Restaurant. Now as Win’s Creek, it’s Australia’s newest (and oldest) meadery.